Cal's photos
2019 Quad
Comic Con
Cedar Rapids
January 26, 2019
She said she was the villain in Little Mermaid.
I dunno. Didn't see the movie.
I don't know any of these video game characters
Whoa. My flash missed us
He's got me
Scary masks
Some kind of pink and blue cow
Every comic con has a few Harleys.
He loses some toughness with the half helmet
Ladies with some long hair
He said I was not worthy enough to lift his hammer
Female Cap has laser eyes
The Doctor is in the house
Work that lollipop
He's looking for Mary Poppins
I was trying to get Pink's phone number but her friend pulled a knife
Airforce Capt James Rhodes and some other movie character
Web me up, Spider Woman
The obscure 2099 version of Spidey
This Black Widow is prettier than the original
Here is my table and a friend's kid
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